Thursday, April 14, 2011

Old Friends

Yesterday, I loaded up the kids after lunch and we traveled to the Columbus Zoo for a playdate.  In the middle of the week.  Yay!!!  We were meeting two of my friends from high school (well, technically from before that even) and their children (each have 1).  The weather was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!  It was a perfect temperature - jeans & sweatshirts (which mine wasn't even needed after pulling two kids in a wagon all afternoon).  The sky was nice & clear!  

We got to the zoo around 1ish, everyone else arrived about 20 minutes later, so we got into the zoo (free thanks to Jenny, yay!) around 1:30.  Dear son had napped briefly in the van on the way, but dear daughter, *sigh* did not.  We actually stayed at the zoo until 4:30 with no major breakdowns and only slight crankiness!  The zoo was not crowded at all, but the animals really weren't that exciting either.  We did get to watch the brown bears eat, so the kids really enjoyed that!  After the zoo we went back to Jenny's apartment for play time and dinner.  The kids played together really well (except for the baby, he was a little too small to play, but he was in a great mood watching the big kids play and having diaper blowouts).  

Overall we had a great day!  We managed to get a picture of all 4 kids together - soooo adorable!!! (3.5 yrs, 10 wks, 1.5 yrs, 2 yrs - 4 under 4!!!!!!)

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