Saturday, August 11, 2012

As we call it... "Yummy"

So my friends on Pinterest make me gain weight.  You have them too.  When you are just looking for crafty ideas or healthy meals, the ones who pin stuff like this:

I hate you all.

So of course when I view these pictures, I can't help but think, hmm, is that something I could make?  Do I have all of the ingredients right now at 12 AM to indulge my sweet tooth?  Can I alter the recipe at all to make it yummier/unhealthier/easier?

My latest creation is an alteration of this pin  The first time I made it, I left out the egg and added ice cream & chocolate syrup on top.  (Yes, I have made this more than once. More like half a dozen times).  Since then, my oh so willing hubby and I have created the perfect dessert.

Baby cereal, yellow squash, 
and tomatoes not used in this recipe.
1/2 tbsp butter (melted)
1/2 tbsp white sugar
1/2 tbsp brown sugar
some vanilla extract
some salt
1/2 tbsp (or more) peanut butter
1/8 cup white flour
some milk
some chocolate chips

Nice and precise, huh?

The way I create this masterpiece is by melting the butter in a small Corningware ramekin, then mixing in the sugars, vanilla, and salt.  

Then I add my peanut butter.  Depending on how the day went, this amount may increase significantly.  These cookies are MUCH better with the peanut butter - it improves the taste & consistency.  The cookies are OK without it, but heavenly with it!

Next I add the flour and *some* milk and mix it all together.  

Last are the chocolate chips.  I tend to add more chips in hubby's cookie, but again, that amount varies depending on the day.  

Pop that ramekin in the microwave for 30 seconds and add a few more chocolate chips on top!  Yummy.  Just like the name.  
FYI - Each cookie requires at least a cup and a half of milk to drink with it.  Seriously.